Is it free to submit to YJoM?

We do not charge any submission or processing fee in order to make our journal more accessible. There are also no fees charged for publishing or access.

Do you provide feedback on manuscripts?

Manuscripts deemed to be of honor roll or potential publishing quality will go through review and potentially be returned with feedback/revisions. Other submissions may or may not receive feedback based on content and quality. 

How many manuscripts can I submit?

There is no limit on amount of submissions, and it is possible for multiple submissions by or including the same author to be featured on honor roll or officially published.

What is YJoM honor roll?

The Youth Journal of Mathematics recognizes articles of high quality with honor roll, and these articles will be released in a separate pdf biannually. From this group YJoM will select the top few manuscripts to officially publish biannually. Honor roll is a prestigious title only given to top submissions. 

If an honor roll article is not selected for publishing, the authors are encouraged to submit the manuscript for the next issue with revisions from feedback given. It is not unusual to see articles appear in the YJoM biannual honor roll recognition list multiple times before being formally published.

What languages are supported by YJoM?

The Youth Journal of Mathematics is currently published only in English. YJoM is currently working on infrastructure to support translations to and from many world languages such as Chinese, Spanish, and French, which are planned to be ready for the 2025 Fall issue. If you have a manuscript for the Problems or Articles category you would like to submit in a foreign language, please contact YJoMathematics@gmail.com

Other Questions

Please contact YJoMathematics@gmail.com for any other inquires, we will try to respond within a few business days.